Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Let’s Find Out About The Moon
by Martha and Charles Shapp
(Grolier International Inc, 1965)

As a belated contribution to last weekend’s big anniversary, here are Martha and Charles Shapp and Yukio Tashiro’s impressions of a prospective moon landing, as rendered four years before it actually happened. (I particularly love the cubist Lunar Lander and the big water tank in scan # 7.)

I found a stash of these ‘Let’s Find Out About..’ books in a bar / bookshop in Koenji, Tokyo this year. They were all pretty wonderful – and have the BEST old book smell - but sadly for space reasons I could only take a few of them home with me. The Moon, of course, made the cut.

I’m sorry the scans are a bit wonky – size, shape and hardback binding made this a difficult one to cram onto the scanner without damaging the book, but I think they just about came out ok.


  1. "...space reasons..." :D

    This is fab. The lander is surprisingly close to the real thing, innit?

  2. Hi,
    I have a set of 20 of these books all in very good condition and all with the records in the back. Does anyone know how much these would be worth please?
